www.youtube.com www.youtube.com Click here to give www.firstgiving.com www.malarianomore.org http en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org Young earth creationist PCS (venomfangx) told his subscribers that the reason atheists were opposing his own charity drive was out of pure malice. Lets prove him wrong, and demonstrate to his subscribers why hes wrong, by having atheist and Christian alike raise more money for malaria relief then venom can for his own selfish use. If we the YouTube community can raise more money than he can, then that will send a message both to him and his subscribers telling all of them that we who oppose the detestable actions of VFX are more than capable of doing good, that we are more than capable of performing acts of charity, and that his polemics about how atheists are corrupting his charity for malicious reasons is completely indefensible. But above all else, please do it for the people who have to live alongside this horrible pathogen. We who are mothers and fathers know that we would do anything to protect the lives of our children. We want them to grow up happy and healthy. We know that if we lived in such conditions, we would do whatever it takes to protect our children. Those mothers in Africa want to protect their children just as much as you would if you were in that situation. However, they cannot do it without your help. We may be separated from them by ocean, but we are united through our love and common humanity. Together, we can achieve ...