Chris Matthews Defends Domestic Terrorists While Smearing Americans As Dangerous Radicals Paul Joseph Watson Monday, June 14, 2010 Chris Matthews will this week smear millions of politically active Americans as dangerous and violent radicals when he hosts the MSNBC special, "The Rise of the New Right." However, when terrorist bomber, leader of an organization that wanted to kill 25 million Americans, and the man who helped launch Barack Obama's political career, Bill Ayers appeared on Matthews' show, all he got was softball questions and platitudes. As we reported last week, after obtaining a leaked transcript of the program which will air this Wednesday at 7pm ET from a concerned MSNBC staffer, it became clear that the show's producers had gone back on their word to make a fair and balanced biography of the growing influence of the anti-big government movement, and in fact had resorted to exercising the same tired old cliches about how anyone who criticizes the federal government is a dangerous radical neo-nazi racist who probably wants to kill people. MSNBC's Matthews has made a habit out of portraying Tea Party members, second amendment activists and anyone who is concerned about the growth in government as part of a new frontier of violent extremism. However, Matthews' agenda-driven bias against conservative grass roots activists is exposed by a simple comparison of how the MSNBC host characterizes Tea Partiers as violent ...