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If many people who are responsible for logistics, as they look to improve their work, are mainly concerned with the acceleration of transportation of parts and reduced the time machine. One thing that many forget, logistics is that the actual design of the product can make a difference because it is difficult to produce and making machine. Good design not only for the product to the consumer also appear on the open market places, but the value of how easy it is toMachine for the product. Many of the things that managers of the logistics of how the computation time and process automation, the designer must take these concerns. When designing a particular product, if the difficulty of processing and ease of implementation of an automated process to be considered.
There are countless ways that a designer can design his product so that the design has a positive influence on the specific logistical process. First, theDesigners can control what materials the product is made. This is perhaps the greatest influence on the design of the logistics process can have. If the designer gets to work with materials and easy to buy, then this course impact on the logistics process are positive. If the designer chooses the most suitable materials, can reduce the use of machinery to reduce the time to minimize machine setup time and transportation costs of materials. So if we look at the design processDepth, we can clearly see that the designers a great influence on how to adjust the logistics system performed.
A simple example would be to assume that the designer who makes plans for the production of mechanical pencils. Now, in addition to the basic design criteria of the price range and variations in quality (the difference between a Bic pen and forty cents a Dr. Grip pencil seven U.S. dollars U.S.), there are tremendous features of the pencil, the designercan control that affect the logistics of the production process of this particular product. The designer specifies the materials, the spring is over, you control how big it is, check how many parts are there, and it controls the shape of the piece. With a cap may seem harsh to pin a small improvement aesthetically more attractive, but in reality can be a great impedance of the fast, low-cost production and effective use of pins. There are countless other smallCompromises that could make the project that would provide logistical process much easier. The designer can use acrylic instead Garola the inside of the spring, and he could use steel instead of aluminum for the frame of the spring.
Many people believe that logistics is seen exclusively in the hands of those who are specifically assigned to the production line. However, this is simply not the case, the logistics in the hands of all those who have a role in the project has aProduct. Design for manufacture and assembly are large parts of the design process and can not be ignored if you are the logistic and production processes.