The dictionary defines logistics? The positioning time of resources.? Thus, as the logistics for obtaining resources such as products, people and services to be implemented as and when needed. It is not easy to produce a product or promote, without adequate logistical support. Business Logistics involves the fusion of information, transportation, storage, handling, storage and packaging materials. The functional responsibility of logistics is thegeographical shift of resources, working in progression and exit stocks with the lowest available rate. therefore covers the creation of logistics? People-systems? instead? machine systems?.
logistics company developed as a concept only in the year 1950. It was because of increased supply company developed complications with transportation of these materials and finished products in a global supply chain. The management is always carried out by expertsin the field of logistics. The logistics company focused on the flow either internally or externally.
The main task of a logistics manager include purchasing, transportation, storage and organization of implementation of this procedure. Logistics managers must blend is usually a general awareness of each of these operations so that there is coordination of resources within an organization.
There are essentially two different forms of logistics. Aoptimized a flow of solid material through a series of compounds transport and storage. The other type is the timing of performing a number of activities to perform a specific risk.
logistics business by increasing the competitiveness of a company. It considers the management tools of logistics, but focuses on the relationships that are necessary to free the supply chain to determine the latent potential to be built.
The doctrine oflogistics company can be practiced in any organization, regardless of their size, public or private sector, national or international stage as well as service or manufacturing.