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Managing the supply chain is an essential element in any corporate environment. This is because, if you can manage your supply chain efficiently, you can enjoy many benefits, as opposed to the strong competition in your business. What's more, effective management of supply chains can improve customer satisfaction, because the process provides prompt delivery and quality products to our customers. So it is very important to ensure that all aspects of supply chainin order. The only way to do this is to implement supply chain metrics.
Technological advances have certainly done, especially with the introduction of RFID tags to pay. These tags are used to monitor effectively and pallet shipments electronically. Moreover, with the help of RFID tags is the management system of two tiers of stock and made more efficient. These tags make it very easy to track individual items in only part of the supply chain. The data are alsoefficient, especially when it relates to serial codes, quantity, description, and maintains information about the product. When you combine the data with information from RFID, you can get the barcodes, then you have a lot of information on hand. It is possible that this is a good thing when it comes to developing supply chain metrics, but in reality it is not. After all these data and information will only add to the external variables in the equation. In this case it would be difficultmeasure exactly what you want to measure first. This can give very good information overload for managers, which should be avoided because the managers have already addressed a lot to get started. Bombarded with all these data would only complicate things. Remember that less is more if you dive in the area of metrics. This, according to the Pareto principle, which states that 80% of the benefits you enjoy from each process are actuallyonly 20% of the whole. It 'so important to determine the appropriate metrics to use when measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of the supply chain.
You can only hold up score cards at 20-30 metric to hear in a moment. Yes, that is, in many companies, often in the world. The sad thing is that most of these companies do not know that the main reason, why are not the parameters of their supply chain, meet the real purposeconsist, first, because there are too many in number. With this many parameters, you can easily find the interpretation of a specific metric to go against that of another parameter.
After just the essentials for your supply chain metrics will certainly go a long, long way for you. If you're not entirely sure what you should include in particular Metrics are concerns. There are several websites that quality information that can be used to offer. There are also modelsYou can use. Make sure only the measured data, which are really interested in your business.